hi, i'm ashley

I'm a writer, reporter, photographer, and editor living in New York. I've explored different styles of writing for more than a decade. 

I earned a degree in Journalism with a minor focus in Cultural Anthropology at the University of Florida, where I wrote about gender rights, environmental toxins, and more. 

My favorite subjects are people. Whether at home or abroad, I developed a love for documentary photography that led to the creation of two personal portrait projects: Ahimsa Stories and Spirits of Sounds.

In 2016, I worked as a contract photographer in Asia for three months. I shot street photography and photos of non-governmental organizations, including Children International and Sarnelli House. In 2017, my investigative series on human trafficking won awards in excellence from the Society of Professional Journalists. 

My job titles have included reporter, content strategist, and managing editor. I managed MedTruth, a special interest publication focusing on patient justice, where I told stories to inform readers about underreported medical risks, such as the now-defunct Essure contraception device and the condition known as breast implant illness.

Over the years, I've worked hard to cultivate an eye for good stories and a voice brave enough to tell them. If I'm not writing, I'm probably watching movies or grooving to good music.

Photo by Elaine Torres

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Film and TV Industry Essentials | NYU x Yellowbrick, 2022

Portrait Studio Lighting with Kevin Scanlon | LACP, 2019

Portraiture for Social Change with Dana Gluckstein | LACP, 2019

Certificate in Visual Design | General Assembly, 2018

BS in Journalism & Communications, minor in Cultural Anthropology | University of Florida, 2016 


WeWork Fine Arts Showcase | Los Angeles, California, December 2019

WeWork Fine Arts Showcase | Los Angeles, California, November 2018

SPJ National Mark of Excellence, Second Place, 2017

SPJ Regional Mark of Excellence, First Place, 2017

The Fine Print Featured Staffer, 2016

Hearst Photojournalism, Top 20 Winners, 2016

SPJ Sunshine State Award, Second Place Best LGBT Coverage, 2016


Los Angeles Center of Photography | 2019 - 2020

Journalism and Women's Symposium (JAWS) | 2018 - 2020

Poynter Women's Leadership Symposium | Los Angeles, California, March 2018

Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) | 2016 - 2020